If you find a stained glass window, take time to look at individual panels. Take for example the painted motifs in these restored panels Bovard Studio re-leaded for Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Jacksonville, FL. Through heavy applications of paint, there are striking stained glass jewel tones that add vibrancy to the ornate acanthus and foliage patterns. Bovard Studio has a rich history of restoring and protecting these stained glass gems.
Restoration for First Presbuterian Church, Greer
New protective covering makes a world of difference with the visibility of ornate stained glass windows. Look at the before and after photos for a recent project Bovard Studio completed for First Presbyterian Church in Greer, South Carolina.
West Angeles Cathedral: A Feat of Stained Glass
Bovard Studio took on an exciting and ambitious project, developing a technique and process for the West Los Angeles Cathedral to meet Los Angeles’ strict earthquake codes. Even with the strict earthquake code requirements, Bovard arose to the challenge and exceeded everyone’s expectation with an amazing kaleidoscopic design in a window that is longer than 2 football fields put together, plus a 10-story tower. The 800 lb. panels are an amazing feat and the project finished ahead of schedule.
"Come Unto Me" Stained Glass
More progress is made for Fron Lutheran church in Roslyn. The large window is strategically designed in four sections to allow for window reinforcements. Care is taken to ensure that figures are not bisected in a distracting way.