When it comes to stained glass restoration, we make sure that windows look just as they were intended when first constructed. Bovard Studio specializes in traditional techniques; we use the same methods that have existed for hundreds of years. This is true of the restoration we conducted for St. Patrick’s in Brooklyn, IA. We go a step further with protecting stained glass with our modern frame technology that combats increasingly harsh weather. Our Patented vented frames and Hurricane Code qualifications make Bovard’s frames the top choice in stained glass protection and preservation.
A Stained Glass Legacy Continues in Storm Lake, IA
The beautiful stained glass we restored 20 years ago, for Storm Lake United Methodist church in Iowa, shine just as brightly today as after we first completed them. About 30 windows were re-leaded and installed with our Patented Precision Flow Ventilation System designed for the preservation of stained glass.
Elegant Contemporary Windows of Saint Columba
The gracefully elongated windows of the Cathedral of Saint Columba in Youngstown feature the designs of Andrew R. Maglia that Bovard Studio restored. Maglia formed a nationally-renowned studio in Detroit, Michigan after emigrating from Italy. The swooping lines in his figures are perfectly adapted to the medium of stained glass.
Piecing Together History
A panel in progress and another in the completion phases for St. James Lutheran Church, in Chicago, IL.. Bovard studio is restoring multiple stained glass windows for this 100+ year-old church.
Restoring the Beauty of Stained Glass
Bovard Studio helped restore several magnificent windows for Parker Memorial Baptist Church in Anniston, Alabama. The project involved both releading and the repairing of intricate wood frames.
Stained Glass Restoration in Ohio
Here are some of the amazing Connick windows that were re-leaded for full restoration. These were designed in 1954 and are from Christ Church in Glendale, OH. We also have a Tiffany window from the same church that we will restore. The intricate pieces of the glass color and hand-painted details are typical of Connick windows.
Bovard Windows Stand the Test of Time
Bovard Studio frames and protective coverings for stained glass stand the test of time. Look at the windows today that we restored and protected with glass protective covering for St. Andrews Roman Catholic Church in Roanoke, VA 15 years ago! Stained glass is most often viewed from the interior, but with high quality materials, they can be enjoyed from the exterior as well. Traditional stained glass windows often suffer from yellowing plastic protective coverings that obscures their beauty and intricacy and can be a symptom of other structural failure. We encourage you to contact us for a free consultation if you find yourself in this very predicament!
Building Stronger Windows for Stained Glass
Restoration continues on the magnificent stained glass windows for Lisbon United Methodist Church. Look at the size of the “Good Shepherd” panel that is undergoing the restoration process. After the restored panels are complete, we will be re-installing them along with our replacement 6000 Series Aluminum US Patented Precision Flow® Vented Perimeter Framing with wood cladding on both the interior and exterior sides of the new aluminum frame.
Their original frame was destroyed the 2020 derecho that struck the mid-west with 140 mph winds. Our 6000 series frames have been tested and approved, when used with hurricane code heat strengthened .090 laminated glass, for maximum US hurricane codes.